ISO 14001:2015
SEQ Electrical Contractors specialises in electrical, communications and solar, undertaking work in all facets of the electrical industry.
We are committed to a policy of providing high quality products and services in a manner which will protect the environment, this will include:
- Sustainable resource use;
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation; and
- Protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
ISO 9001:2015
SEQ Electrical Contractors specialises in electrical, communications and solar, undertaking work in all facets of the electrical industry.
We are dedicated to the quality policy that will ensure that our products and services fully meet the requirements of our customers at all times. The goal of the company is to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction at all times. Commitment to the implementation of supporting managerial and business operational systems is essential to realising that goal.
We believe in the concept of client and supplier working together in pursuing this policy and in continually striving for improvements in quality.
The quality policy is based on 3 fundamental principles:
- Ensuring that we fully identify and conform to the needs of our customers.
- Looking at our internal processes, identifying the potential for errors and taking the necessary action to eliminate them.
- Everyone understanding how to do their job and doing it right first time.
ISO 45001:2018
SEQ Electrical Contractors specialises in electrical, communications and solar, undertaking work in all facets of the electrical industry.
We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health for our workers and for contractors and visitors to the workplace.
The system has been based upon the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 includes our processes and commitments to;
- Fulfil legal requirements and other requirements;
- Eliminate hazards and reduce risks;
- Continually improve the system; and
- Consult and encourage the participation of all workers, and, where they exist, workers representatives.
ISO 9001:2015
SEQ Electrical Contractors recognises that there are substantial benefits to be gained from rehabilitation principles and practices and are committed to implementing them at this workplace. We recognise that legislation provides the specific requirements and support for workplace rehabilitation activities.
Experience has shown that workplace rehabilitation assists the healing process and helps restore the worker’s normal function sooner. Workplace rehabilitation includes early provision of timely and adequate services, including suitable duties programs, and aims to:
- Maintain injured or ill workers at work or
- Ensure the worker’s earliest possible return to work or
- Maximise the worker’s independent functioning and
- provide for durable employment.